
Weatherstripping is an excellent, cost-effective and eco-friendly option for homeowners who want to improve their home’s energy efficiency without significantly changing the appearance of original windows.

In addition to preventing air leaks, which can account for 30-40% of heat loss from a home, weatherstripping extends the life of windows, allows easier maintenance and improves sound quality. We convert windows from rope and pulley or non-thermally broken aluminum tracks to a tilt in jambliner system. This operation includes installation of bulb weatherstrip on the top, middle and bottom rails where most older windows have drafty zinc rib weatherstrip or no weatherstripping at all. We also offer vinyl “v’ plow jambliners, a very simple, user-friendly system available in white and beige in any size and loaded with a variety of block and tackle counterbalance cartridges for different sizes and weights.

We will work with you to find the best weatherstripping solution for your home. We provide this service year-round on location, or offer homeowners the option of bringing their windows to our shop for a machining and jambliner package.